Sunday, March 27, 2016

CBE - Competency Based Education

In PA we currently have CBE in the form of CDT’s and Study Island which are given to students in grades 3-12 and PBA (Project Based Assessment, or in the form of a remedial class where students must score 70% or higher to pass and used as a graduation requirement) , which are given to students (generally in high school) if they don’t score proficient in the Keystone Exams.  

What CBE means for students in Pennsylvania, is MORE time doing these electronic programs, many created like ‘gaming’ video games to keep students interest.  Students would be on electronic devices for many hours a day while in school.  They would proceed on these online programs until they attain “proficiency”, no matter if it takes weeks or months on a certain module.  This also means teachers would no longer be teaching, they would be reduced  to facilitators, with minimal interaction with students.  

There are health concerns with the time spent using electronic devices and there are concerns with the decline of social interaction between students and their peers.  The most dangerous aspect is data mining and privacy as everything a student does on the computer will be collected and shared.

Snapshot - Global Education 2015-2035 HERE

Parents Beware
Across the country, states are adopting corporate-driven policies to experiment with “competency-based” and “personalized learning,” even though there is no sound research proving that these are effective educational models.
Complete article HERE

Personalized Learning:  How Big is the Beast?

With its reliance on one-to-one digital devices, digital courseware, artificial intelligence, and massive data collection, personalized learning promises to reap big rewards for investors and corporate executives.  Just how big is the beast? Let’s take a look.  Complete article HERE

Pearson: Competency-based education will replace standardized testing

The Pearson Publishing Company has explicitly stated that their new competency-based programs, now in development, will replace standardized testing. "With ongoing AIEd (Artificial Intelligence Education) analysis of a student’s learning activities, there will be no need for the stop-and-test approach that characterizes many current assessments."  Compete article HERE

The Most Intrusive Technology of All Time
The Pearson Publishing Company has suggested that technology not only be used to teach content, as in competency-based programs, but should, at the same time, evaluate students' emotional states (Luckin et. al., p. 25).  This is without question the most intrusive idea I have ever seen, not only in education but anywhere.  Complete article HERE

Computers in class 'a scandalous waste of time'
“I’ve seen so many schools with limited budgets spending a disproportionate amount of their money on technology that doesn’t really bring any measurable, or non-measurable, benefits,’’ he said.
“Schools have spent hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars­ on interactive whiteboards, digital projectors, and now they’re all being jettisoned.’’  Complete article HERE

The Future Of Education Is A Very Dark Place. The Future Is Now

Why was 2015-2016 so important for education?  If you haven’t been paying attention, there is a flurry of activity going on with more changes than any one person can keep track of.  These events were planned years ago.  Some say 2007, but I estimate much of this has been planned since 1992.  There are more political and corporate players involved in these agendas then we can imagine.  It is a cabal of billionaires and futurists carefully and methodically transforming society to their warped ideals.  Complete article HERE

Future Agenda's for Global Education
“The coming decades will see an era of the most radical changes in education since the appearance of national education systems. And the source of these changes will not be in the educational system itself, but rather it will be driven primarily by industries: digital technologies, healthcare, and finance.”  Complete article HERE

Global Education Futures Forum HERE 

Resources for more information on CBE:
Save Maine Schools - Emily Talmage
SKrashen - S. Krashen

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